Let’s talk about something that sometimes gets overlooked by firearms enthusiasts, fitness. If you’re serious about protecting yourself, you need to be in your top physical shape. Here’s why being fit is just as important as having firearm skills. What if you're in a situation where you can’t reach your firearm. Maybe it’s not within arm’s length or you’re in a physical altercation that’s not life-threatening, and there’s no need for a firearm. It’s just a straight up hand to hand fight. If you don’t have the stamina or strength to stay in the fight, all your firearm skills won’t mean a thing.
Why Being Prepared Isn't Paranoia
Trauma Management: Life Saving Skills
Pistol Reloads
It doesn’t matter if you're in a competitive shooting scenario or a life-threatening situation, reloading your pistol quickly and efficiently is a “must have” skill. Understanding and drilling down on different types of reloads can significantly enhance your performance and ensure you're better prepared for any possibility. In this blog, we’re going to cover two reload techniques: the Slide Lock Reload and the Tactical (or Administrative) Reload. We'll hit on why they’re important, when to use them, and how to practice them safely using both dry fire and live fire drills.
The 4 Domains of Combat
The four domains of combat; lethal, physical, verbal, and situational/self-awareness, are critical to have in your skill set. Too often, people focus solely on lethal responses to danger, overlooking skills that can prevent threats in the first place. Proper situational and self-awareness can help you identify and avoid potential threats. While the chances of running into a lethal confrontation are lower than you might think, the likelihood of getting into a verbal or physical altercation is much higher. This is why mastering all four Domains of Combat is crucial for effective self-defense. There are accompanying videos for each Domain of Combat so be sure to check those out for further explanations and visual demonstrations.
Handgun Maintenance 101
What's the use in having extensive firearms training and top-of-the-line upgrades and customization if your gun jams on you in the midst of a life-or-death situation? This is exactly what could happen if you neglect proper maintenance on your handgun. Just like you need to take care of your body to stay fit, your firearm needs regular maintenance to perform at its best. You often hear it is generally recommended to clean a handgun after every use, which could mean after each range session or after firing around 200-300 rounds. However, for those who carry daily or use their firearm frequently, a more thorough cleaning every 500 rounds is often advised. Check out your firearm manufacturer’s guidelines for specific recommendations. Personally, I clean my weapons when they need it, or when I know I’ve used it a lot that day or weekend.
Choosing The Right Holster
Concealed carry is a personal choice, and finding the right holster is super important for comfort, accessibility, and effective self-defense. As I'm writing this I feel personally compelled to tell you this is an area that I have found requires a great deal of attention in getting the right gear for comfortability so you can wear it but also for quick safe access. There's nothing worse than having the wrong holster that you just won't wear or something that's uncomfortable or you can't get a good purchase/master grip on your weapon system. If you read our blog on concealed carry tips, we touched on different types of holsters.
There are many different holsters for concealed and open carry, but here we get into a few concealed holsters in detail. We start by checking out holsters that can be worn by both men and women. Then, we give you a few that are designed or more favored by women.
Home Defense Tactics
Your home is your haven and defending it demands more than wishful thinking. It’s gonna take hard-nosed tactics, street smarts, and commitment to your safety. This is an area I’m personally very passionate about because our home should be the place we can relax. However, bad guys are no strangers to where people let their defenses down, this is the area where they light up. Let’s give them a hard time and make them really work for it. We need to build circles of protection, this read will start that process. So, let's cut through the fluff and get straight to the point: here’s how you fortify your castle.
Concealed Carry Tips
When it comes to personal safety, there's no room for compromise. It only takes watching your local news to know that shady and dangerous stuff is always going down. Being prepared can make all the difference when it comes to protecting yourself and the people around you. If you choose concealed carry as part of your everyday defense strategy, just know that there is more to it than just owning a firearm. Do you know how many people have taken a concealed carry course, got their license, have never actually shot a gun but think they’re prepared to protect? Having a concealed carry license is a commitment to responsibility, preparedness, and the mental fortitude to protect oneself and others when necessary. We have 9 concealed carry tips to get you on the right track.
AR-15: You Asked, We Answered
Do you have questions about the AR-15 but not sure where to start? Well, you’re not alone! With decades of expertise in the self-defense field, Intuitive Self Protection (ISP) is tackling the most common questions to shed light on this prolific weapons system. Despite being a hot topic of debate, the AR-15 is a symbol of American firearm culture, preferred for its modularity, versatility, reliability, and the wide availability of parts and accessories. We’ll cover the origins of the AR-15, carbines and rifle definitions, legal matters, safety procedures, maintenance, customization and upgrades, tactical skills and physical fitness.
Safety Strategies in Transitional Spaces
Transitional spaces are often overlooked in terms of self-protection. You know those moments when you're moving from one place to another? Your car to the office, the store, or home? Those quick, seemingly ordinary transitions are prime opportunities for potential threats to catch us off guard. In these spaces, people are usually preoccupied with their phones, thoughts, or tasks, making them more vulnerable to danger. A heightened level of situational awareness is super important in navigating transitional spaces. If something is about to happen, you'll likely spot some telltale signs if you're alert. However, if something slips your awareness and danger presents itself at close range, do you know what to do? We're here to provide you with some strategies to enhance your safety in these transitional spaces.
Dry Fire Mag Unboxed and Reviewed
Alot of folks out there shell out big bucks on gear, only to find out it's nothing but junk. That's why we often get hit up for product reviews. So, here's one we're stoked about: the Dry Fire Mag. It's a nifty tool for sharpening up your shooting skills without burning through ammo. Now we reviewed the Smith & Wesson magazine, but they’re made for a variety of manufacturers. If you're serious about improving your accuracy and speed while saving some cash on bullets, this tool might just be your new favorite thing.
How To Draw From Concealment
Alright, so you've got your everyday carry, your concealed carry license, and your trusty holster. But here's the question: do you have a technique for drawing from concealment? And if you do, have you practiced it enough times to make it second nature? We'd even go as far as to suggest that once you've mastered your technique, you keep practicing your draw regularly. Just like any other skill, self-protection abilities can fade over time, and you want to make sure you're ready to defend yourself and your loved ones if things ever hit the fan. We have over 25 years of professional experience in law enforcement and military training, and we’ve learned from seasoned professionals how to draw from concealment. We’re giving you an inside waistband drawing technique that we’ve found is most efficient. Keep in mind, this isn’t the way to draw but it is a way.
The Five Key Rules for Firearm Safety
After many years of training in countless states and different countries, we’ve seen it all regarding gun safety or lack thereof. In this blog we are covering the Five Basic Rules for Firearm Safety; NEVER, TREAT, KEEP, KEEP, TARGET. You’d be surprised how often accidental and negligent discharges happen, but one negligent injury or death is too many and we can't stress enough how important it is to play it safe. Picture this as your GPS for responsible gun ownership. So, buckle up, as we break down these rules and why they’re crucial to ensuring you and everyone around you stay out of harm's way. There’s more to firearm safety but these are the basics, and you’ll see that they’re a bit redundant but that’s to make sure we have layers of protection when handling firearms.
Attacking High Value Targets with Empty Hands
Concussive Strikes and Brain Shakes
We are back with another installment of Intuitive Self Protection’s weekly blog and we’re ready to unravel the secrets behind a few head rockin’ self-defense techniques. But first things first, let's clarify; anyone who rolls with ISP doesn’t go around looking for fight. Our goal is to end fights quickly and effectively. When all attempts at de-escalation fail, when distraction isn't enough, and your attacker won’t back down; that's when our game-changing techniques come into play. We’re talking about concussive striking and brain-shaking moves that can turn the tables on a desperate situation.
A Military Wife’s Journey to Self-Protection
You asked for it and we delivered. You’ve previously heard from two of ISP’s All Access Members who shared their self-protection journeys with you. Now we’re bringing you a woman’s perspective. We had the pleasure of sitting down and chatting with Kristin Vitalis; a woman who didn’t come to us out of fear but the desire to be prepared. Her story is a testament to the transformation that happens when you decide to take control of your safety.
Best Empty Hand Strikes
One of the questions we get asked all the time is what the best empty strikes are to use in an empty hand response or when you selected not use a weapon system. Before we get into it, let’s get something straight, we aren’t the people that start fights, instigate or poke the bear but we do finish them . We emphasize being strategic and confident; knowing how to respond effectively when pushed past the limit. These strikes are to be used when you’re past the point of negotiation and you’ve made every attempt to de-escalate, distract and diffuse the situation. This is the point when the attacker is about to find out that you’re not a victim; you’re a defender. Let’s get to it.
Most Effective Knife Grips
Since the age of ten I’ve studied numerous edged weapon systems including Filipino, Russian, Israeli, Apache and more. In some of those systems, there are about ten different knife grips. This doesn’t work well for us because the more options you have, the more time it takes to execute your options; it’s Hicks Law. Confusion in dangerous, high-stress situations is the last thing you want. I’ve narrowed all those edged weapon grips into the two most effective, game-changing grips that every warrior should master: The Standard Grip and the Ice Pick Grip.
5 Ways to Develop a Warrior Mindset
Let's talk real talk. In life, you’ve gotta be sharp, both mentally and physically, to come out on top. This blog is going to guide you through the gritty streets and alleys of self-defense and badassery which all begins with having a warrior mindset. It’s not enough to just look tough or take a bunch of self-defense classes; it's about being tough and having a mind as sharp as a blade and ready to face whatever life throws your way. The warrior mindset is the armor that doesn’t rust. But how do we get there? Here are five ways to help you immediately unleash the beast and bring that vicious, brutal, and savage violence of action in the face of a threat.