
The Most Common Mistakes Gun Owners Make

The Most Common Mistakes Gun Owners Make

Being in the self-protection business for as long as we have, we’ve seen people make the same mistakes over and over. These are mistakes that could cost them everything in a real-world situation. Owning a firearm is not enough; you must know how to use it, when to use it, and what happens after you do. Let’s get to the three biggest mistakes gun owners make.

Revolvers: Old-School Firepower

Revolvers: Old-School Firepower

Revolvers are like the classic cars of the gun world; simple and effective. At Intuitive Self Protection (ISP), we train shooters of all levels, and revolvers are often a hot topic. Firearms enthusiasts appreciate revolvers as a reliable backup, proving that these classics still have a solid role in modern self-defense.

Why Active Shooter Training Matters

Why Active Shooter Training Matters

Active shooter events are fast, brutal, and chaotic. Most of these tragic events take place in open, public spaces like malls, schools, and workplaces, where there’s little protection and a lot of potential victims. The scariest part? A lot of harm can be done before law enforcement even arrives. When seconds matter, we need well trained people to protect themselves and others. This is why it’s so important to train specifically for active shooter scenarios. When you can’t rely on help getting there in time. You need to be ready.

Why Good People Need to Exercise Their 2A Right

Why Good People Need to Exercise Their 2A Right

Our right to bear arms is not just a privilege; it’s a fundamental right that sets the United States apart. The Second Amendment wasn’t put in place for decoration; it’s there to protect our freedoms, our families, and our way of life. And if you’re a good, law-abiding citizen, it’s important to step up and embrace that right. The Second Amendment is not just about protecting ourselves from tyranny, it’s also about protecting our families, our homes, and our communities.

Handgun Maintenance 101

Handgun Maintenance 101

What's the use in having extensive firearms training and top-of-the-line upgrades and customization if your gun jams on you in the midst of a life-or-death situation? This is exactly what could happen if you neglect proper maintenance on your handgun. Just like you need to take care of your body to stay fit, your firearm needs regular maintenance to perform at its best. You often hear it is generally recommended to clean a handgun after every use, which could mean after each range session or after firing around 200-300 rounds. However, for those who carry daily or use their firearm frequently, a more thorough cleaning every 500 rounds is often advised. Check out your firearm manufacturer’s guidelines for specific recommendations. Personally, I clean my weapons when they need it, or when I know I’ve used it a lot that  day or weekend.

Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Plank Holder Membership

Unleashing Your Potential: The Power of Plank Holder Membership

In today’s world, we have so many things that we need to be prepared for and our personal and family security is one of them. Many people are seeking a one-stop shop for professional solutions and we believe at Intuitive Self Protection, that we provide them. Here is the highly requested video by you guys out there, talking about what’s included in the ISP membership and what people are getting out of it from the perspective of a member. 

Rifle Fundamentals

Rifle Fundamentals

Today we'll explore the Big Six components of the rifle draw stroke. Check out the video to see Dan Spagone, who has been one of our ISP and NLB lead instructors for almost a decade. He’s trained numerous civilians, and special operations in both the military and law enforcement. We’re gonna break down each step to enhance your technique.

Pistol Draw Stroke Fundamentals

Pistol Draw Stroke Fundamentals

Mastering the draw stroke is essential for anyone interested in self-protection or firearms training. In this article Hank Hayes breaks down the pistol draw stroke in a way that will get you on target fast.

How to Train With Limited Ammo

How to Train With Limited Ammo

If I tell a fellow AR enthusiast at my local range to fire off approximately 100 rounds, and they crank off 3x magazines of 30, will they be better a better shooter? They most likely will not because there aren’t many skills being implemented into those mag dumps.

Secrets the Professional Firearms Industry Won’t Tell You, A Woman’s Perspective.

Every day there is another murder, rape, break in, carjacking, or worse, a child abduction. The rising number of women seeking to learn how to protect themselves is indicative to this increased exposure to crime.

Training Through Failure

Training Through Failure

Contrary to what you may have been told, failure is a good thing. You need failure to know where your limits are so that you can learn to train past them. Your journey towards true mastery of any discipline will have pitfalls, setbacks and failures. It is how you respond to those failures that truly counts and where the real learning begins. The discipline of defensive firearm training is no different.