Let's talk real talk. In life, you’ve gotta be sharp, both mentally and physically, to come out on top. This blog is going to guide you through the gritty streets and alleys of self-defense and grit which all begins with having a warrior mindset. It’s not enough to just look tough or take a bunch of self-defense classes; it's about being tough both inside and out and having a sharp mind and ready to face whatever life throws your way. The warrior mindset is the armor that doesn’t rust.
But how do we get there? Here are five ways to help you immediately unleash the beast and bring that vicious, brutal, and savage violence of action in the face of a threat.
1.Fight Your Inner Demons
We all have inner demons, those doubts and fears that whisper in the dark. A true warrior faces them head-on, but first you must know what those demons are and know what triggers them. Is it stress, certain situations, or specific people? Identifying triggers and understanding them can help you prepare for these situations and develop coping strategies. Then, when those demons show their ugly heads, acknowledge them and challenge them. As yourself if they’re based on facts or assumptions because often our inner demons feed on irrational beliefs. Challenge them with logic and evidence.
2. Mindfulness and Meditation
Some people might think mindfulness and meditation is for the softies but if you study the habits of a warrior, undoubtably mindfulness and meditation is part of their routine. Daily mindfulness and meditation are your mental gym. They strengthen your focus and shut down the noise within. Try deep breathing exercises, progressive muscle relaxation, or guided meditations. There are many apps dedicated to this, but you can also find a boat load of meditations and mindful exercises online. They center your mind, preparing it for the storm.
ISP student uses violence of action to take down his partner in our Empty Hand Course.
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3. Affirmations
Speak your strength into existence. Affirmations are your verbal shield. Tell yourself you are powerful, you are brave, you are unbeatable. Repeat them daily until they are etched into your very being. But be careful, if you don’t believe it, it’ll work against your progress. You’ve gotta be sure there is alignment between your thoughts, affirmations and your actions.
4. See Setbacks As Setups for Comebacks
Life’s setbacks are not defeats; they are setups for epic comebacks. Every failure is a lesson, every defeat a teacher. Embrace them, learn from them, and emerge stronger. A setback is not the end; it's the beginning of a fierce comeback story.
ISP student taps into his Warrior Mindset during this simulation at a Protective Pistol: In And Around Vehicles Course.
5. Imagine the Warrior Within
This is kind of along the lines of meditation, but it deserves its own section. Close your eyes and visualize the warrior within you. See yourself facing challenges without fear. Picture yourself protecting your loved ones in different situations with unwavering confidence and clarity. The more vividly you can imagine this mental battleground, the more real it becomes. Feel the heat of determination and the power of your protection. This is not just a practice; it's your path to transformation. It's where belief meets reality, where your warrior spirit awakens and triumphs. Embrace it. Own it. Become it.
In Closing
Your journey to becoming a warrior doesn't start on the battlefield; it begins within your mind. Harness the power of self-awareness, mindfulness, and resilience. Face your inner demons, embrace the storm with a centered mind, and turn setbacks into setups for epic comebacks. Visualize yourself as a protector, and let this vision fuel your transformation. With each step, you're not just evolving; you're becoming a force of nature. Embrace this transformation, for within you lies a warrior ready to conquer life's challenges with determination. When the time comes to defend, you can channel all your mental and physical strength into a focused, controlled fury with unstoppable force with explosive violence of action. Onward, warrior. Your triumph awaits, and it's glorious.
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About The Author
Hank Hayes is a Combat Arts Hall of Famer and inventor of the No Lie Blade. He is the founder and CEO of both Intuitive Self Protection and NLB Tactical and creator of the ISP/NLB viscous fighting system. Since 1998, he has trained well over 30,000 Military and Law Enforcement personnel via Government contract mainly at the elite special teams level and continues to train both civilians and MIL/LE how to come home safe.