knife attacks — Blog | Intuitive Self Protection

knife attacks

Safety Strategies in Transitional Spaces

Safety Strategies in Transitional Spaces

Transitional spaces are often overlooked in terms of self-protection. You know those moments when you're moving from one place to another? Your car to the office, the store, or home? Those quick, seemingly ordinary transitions are prime opportunities for potential threats to catch us off guard. In these spaces, people are usually preoccupied with their phones, thoughts, or tasks, making them more vulnerable to danger. A heightened level of situational awareness is super important in navigating transitional spaces.  If something is about to happen, you'll likely spot some telltale signs if you're alert. However, if something slips your awareness and danger presents itself at close range, do you know what to do? We're here to provide you with some strategies to enhance your safety in these transitional spaces.

Most Effective Knife Grips

Most Effective Knife Grips

Since the age of ten I’ve studied numerous edged weapon systems including Filipino, Russian, Israeli, Apache and more. In some of those systems, there are about ten different knife grips. This doesn’t work well for us because the more options you have, the more time it takes to execute your options; it’s Hicks Law. Confusion in dangerous, high-stress situations is the last thing you want. I’ve narrowed all those edged weapon grips into the two most effective, game-changing grips that every warrior should master: The Standard Grip and the Ice Pick Grip.

5 Ways to Develop a Warrior Mindset

5 Ways to Develop a Warrior Mindset

Let's talk real talk. In life, you’ve gotta be sharp, both mentally and physically, to come out on top. This blog is going to guide you through the gritty streets and alleys of self-defense and badassery which all begins with having a warrior mindset. It’s not enough to just look tough or take a bunch of self-defense classes; it's about being tough and having a mind as sharp as a blade and ready to face whatever life throws your way. The warrior mindset is the armor that doesn’t rust. But how do we get there? Here are five ways to help you immediately unleash the beast and bring that vicious, brutal, and savage violence of action in the face of a threat.  

Edged Weapons: Myths, Misconceptions, Lies and Misguidance

Edged Weapons:   Myths, Misconceptions, Lies and Misguidance

We’re gonna cut through the BS and shed some light on the myths and misconceptions surrounding edged weapons. You've heard the stories, seen the movies; but trust me, reality doesn't always play out the way you think. Picture this: you're minding your own business, and suddenly, you're face-to-face with a knife-wielding threat. It's a terrifying scenario, and the last thing you need are misguided ideas on how to handle it. So, let's cut to the chase and confront some harsh realities.