We’re gonna cut through the BS and shed some light on the myths and misconceptions surrounding edged weapons. You've heard the stories, seen the movies; but trust me, reality doesn't always play out the way you think. Picture this: you're minding your own business, and suddenly, you're face-to-face with a knife-wielding threat. It's a terrifying scenario, and the last thing you need are misguided ideas on how to handle it. So, let's cut to the chase and confront some harsh realities.
Myth #1: “I Can Easily Disarm an Attacker with a Knife with Proper Training”
Some say you can disarm a knife-wielding attacker like a martial arts superstar. Reality check: this isn't a movie fight scene. Catching a blade mid-air? That's wishful thinking. Once that knife is out, it's a deadly game of seconds. Redirecting an edged weapon, as some suggest, is a surefire way to get stabbed in the process. Many self-defense programs teach knife disarming techniques that seem effective in controlled environments. No surprise that in the chaos of a real-life situation, disarming an armed attacker, especially someone determined and skilled, is incredibly difficult. It takes split-second timing, precision, and often a good deal of luck. Relying solely on disarming techniques without understanding the high risks involved creates a huge false sense of security.
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Myth #2: Passing the Hand
Ever heard of passing the blade hand to avoid a knife attack? It might sound good on paper but let's break it down. It’s when you attempt to redirect the path of the edged weapon by swiftly moving your own hand to track it, then redirect the attacker's arm. Sounds sweet, right? On the surface, it might seem like a smart evasion tactic, but the reality is far different.
In real-life situations, passing the hand can be extremely risky. Why? Because even if you manage to shift the knife's trajectory for the moment, the attacker still has the weapon and can strike from multiple angles. The knife doesn't magically disappear just because you've moved your hand. What kind of BS is that? In fact, you might find yourself in an even more vulnerable position, opening yourself up to severe injury.
Edge Weapon student seen getting control of the attacker’s knife wielding arm to shut down the attack.
Myth #3: Multiple Strikes Will Always Disable the Attacker
In movies and some self-defense demonstrations, a hero delivers a series of strikes, causing the attacker to instantly drop the weapon and surrender. However, real-life attackers may withstand multiple hits, especially as they are emboldened and determined or under the influence of drugs or adrenaline. You’ve gotta understand the anatomy of the human body and the specific techniques required to incapacitate the attacker. Otherwise, you’ll be led to ineffective edged weapon defense strategies.
Myth #4: Running Away is Always the Best Option
It's often said that running away from an attacker is the best course of action but it's not always practical. In confined spaces, during surprise attacks, or when protecting someone else, escape might not be possible. Not to mention, turning your back to a knife-wielding threat can be incredibly dangerous. Understanding when and how to run is vital; it's not a guaranteed solution and must be combined with other self-defense strategies.
These myths highlight the challenges of dealing with edged weapon attacks, shedding light on the importance of realistic training and understanding the limitations of various self-defense techniques. Don’t let the myths misguide you. Arm yourself with knowledge, train smart.
The No Lie Blade: Game Changer
At ISP, we're not about Hollywood heroics; we're about real-world survival. 25 years ago, we invented a training tool that was and still is, a game changer. This tool revolutionized edged weapon training, giving immediate, accurate, and memorable feedback. Using the No Lie Blades, we teach you how to control the weapon bearing limb to control and shut down the attack with great veracity and overwhelming violence of action. If you want to learn effective edge weapon techniques that we’ve taught law enforcement and military special teams for the past 25 years, come check out our live training sessions and experience the difference.
The patented, felt-padded edge technology gives trainees immediate feedback.
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About The Author
Hank Hayes is a Combat Arts Hall of Famer and inventor of the No Lie Blade. He is the founder and CEO of both Intuitive Self Protection and NLB Tactical and creator of the ISP/NLB viscous fighting system. Since 1998, he has trained well over 30,000 Military and Law Enforcement personnel via Government contract mainly at the elite special teams level and continues to train both civilians and MIL/LE how to come home safe.