When considering your safety and learning how to defend yourself and family, we wouldn’t suggest you put your life on behind the latest gimmick. You need reliable and effective tools so you can get down to business. Before Intuitive Self Protection was developed, we were knee deep in combatives and had trained thousands of law enforcement and military special ops all over the world with the No Lie Blade. At that time some may have asked, “Why create a new blade in a sea of what’s already out there?” Simple: because we were tired of the same old training blades that just didn't cut it. We needed something that could provide instant feedback; something that would reveal what truly worked in the heat of the moment. The solution? The No Lie Blade; a professional tool designed for serious training.
A Cut Above
The No Lie Blade ain’t your run-of-the-mill training knives. It’s a marking tool designed to give you immediate, accurate, memorable feedback in your training. The blades are crafted from 356 Alloy mold aluminum which gives the heft and feel of real blades. But what truly sets them apart is the patented felt-padded edge technology. This allows trainees to experience realistic marking capabilities without compromising safety. This training tool is practical, and it’s been battle-tested and street-proven for over 20 years.
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Praise from the Pros
Since ISP was developed for everyday people, where we offer the same training we give to the Military and Law Enforcement Units (only without the yelling), we’ve had many testimonials about our edged weapon course using this revolutionary tool. While we appreciate them all, it hits different when you get praise from the pros. Dave Smith, known as "Buck Savage" from Policeone.com gave us our props for the No Lie Blade. He doesn't throw around compliments lightly, but he believes our team and No Lie Blades are in a league of our own when it comes to edged weapons and combat tactics training. Sheriff Rick Silver, with 23 years of law enforcement experience, describes the No Lie Blade's training course as "life changing." These are not just endorsements; they are testament to the real-world effectiveness of the No Lie Blade. Feel free to check out law enforcement and military testimonials.
Military training with the No Lie Blade
Ready to Take the Next Step?
At this point, you're probably wondering where you can purchase the No Lie Blade. Well, it’s not something you’ll find in stores (If you reach out to the ISP Team at info@intuitivesp.com we can hook you up). The No Lie Blade comes with our three-day Edge Weapon Course, "Anatomy of a Knife Attack." In this course, we don’t just hand you a blade; we teach you how to use it with precision and purpose. This course offers the same world-class training we provide to military and law enforcement units. It’s tailored for everyday people (only not watered down), where you'll learn practical skills to fight with an edged weapon and more importantly, how to survive a real-life knife attack. Check our calendar and secure your spot in the next course, where you’ll train with the No Lie Blade and gain the tools needed to ensure that the countdown to your life never reaches zero at the end of someone's blade.
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About The Author
Hank Hayes is a Combat Arts Hall of Famer and inventor of the No Lie Blade. He is the founder and CEO of both Intuitive Self Protection and NLB Tactical and creator of the ISP/NLB viscous fighting system. Since 1998, he has trained well over 30,000 Military and Law Enforcement personnel via Government contract mainly at the elite special teams level and continues to train both civilians and MIL/LE how to come home safe.