For many women, the idea of using firearms can be quite intimidating, and has given rise to a range of fears and concerns. From accidental discharge to legal implications, these worries have often kept women from exploring the world of firearms. However, in recent years, there has been a shift as more women are embracing firearms ownership and seeking training for personal protection. In this blog, we will delve into some of the common reasons behind women's hesitations, the increasing trend of female firearm ownership, and attending Intuitive Self Protection’s Urban Defense Carbine Course, from a woman’s perspective.
Practicing shooting speed drills will enhance reaction time, target transitions, and accuracy under pressure!
Understanding Women's Fears
The world of firearms can be a daunting for many women, and it's important to address the fears and concerns that may hold them back.
Here are a just a few:
-Accidental discharge
-Doubts about having the necessary skills
-Fear of making mistakes
-Ensuring firearm accessibility is safe from children
These concerns are understandable but one that can be particularly concerning is when women think learning how to use a firearm is unnecessary because they have their husbands or partners to protect them. What if something happens to their husband, and they are left to fend for themselves? It's crucial for women to recognize the importance of personal preparedness, making firearm knowledge and self-defense skills a priority for their safety and well-being.
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The Rise of Women in Firearms Ownership
In recent years, there has been a shift in women embracing firearms ownership for various reasons. During the pandemic, there was a growing sense of concern about social unrest and increasing crime rates has driven many women to take charge of their safety and consider firearms for self-defense. The possibility of stricter gun laws and potential gun bans has also motivated women to exercise their Second Amendment rights while they still can.
Notably, the increasing fear of school shootings has sparked a rise in the number of female teachers seeking firearm training. They recognize the need to protect not only themselves but also their students in potentially dangerous situations.
This surge in interest has given rise to an increase in women-centered firearms training and supportive communities that cater to the growing demand. Recent data shows a significant increase in women gun owners, with 43% of men and 22% of women reporting gun ownership, compared to just 13% of women in 2007-2008. As women continue to embrace firearm ownership and training, they stand ready to defend their lives and those they care about.
Women In Training
ISP student working behind a simulated cover or concealment in the Urban Defense Carbine Course. Notice the proper use of the c-clamp and a solid shoulder stock and cheek weld, this provides solid support for an accurate shot.
The Urban Defense Carbine Course: A Woman’s Perspective
My journey into the Urban Defense Carbine Course began with both intimidation and exhilaration but quickly became a path of empowerment. Who wouldn’t be a bit intimidated by all of ISP’s intense training videos floating around the internet! However, those initial fears faded when I met the instructors and fellow students. They went out of their way to make me feel comfortable and welcomed, assuring me that help was readily available whenever needed.
One of the first things a newcomer would notice on the range is ISP’s heavy emphasis on safety. Instructors frequently reminded the students to put their rifles on safety and in low ready when not being used to shoot, when doing various reloads and when practicing how to clear malfunctions. Moreover, to ensure the utmost safety, instructors consistently and loudly announced when they were going down range or about to shoot. In response, everyone else acknowledged them with a corresponding phrase, ensuring that all participants were aware of the situation. This emphasis on safety was comforting and confirmed that I was in good hands.
This course was just the beginning of my journey with ISP but I learned crucial skills to protect myself more effectively. We covered a wide range of topics, including establishing a combat zero, clearing malfunctions, and moving under pressure. Talk about moving under pressure, try shooting under pressure! How many people have tried to hit multiple targets with a reload in between after doing pushups and running while carrying bags of sand? This training honed my shooting abilities but also instilled in me the mindset needed to face potential threats with confidence. And what could be more confidence building than hearing the ding of a target that is almost four football fields away?
It was an experience unlike any other, and the intensity of the training pushed me to grow and develop as a more confident and capable individual.
Embracing firearms for self-defense is not just about collecting a tool; it is about empowering oneself with the knowledge, skills, and mindset to protect what matters most. By addressing fears, seeking appropriate training, and becoming a part of a supportive community, women can more confidently navigate the world of firearms, thus enhancing their personal safety and security.
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About The Author
Kisha Newman is an experienced educator with a passion for learning and self-improvement. With a 20-year career as an elementary school educator, she has dedicated herself to empowering young minds. But Kisha's story goes beyond the classroom. Over the years, a deep-rooted desire to become proficient in handling firearms grew within her. She decided to take a step forward by becoming a firearms owner, fully embracing the world of firearms and self-defense. Her commitment to learning and personal growth propels her journey in the world of firearms, where she seeks empowerment, preparedness, and a newfound sense of confidence.